Sacred Commerce
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Survival Guide for Navigating a Career Transition
Are you about to embark upon a career change OR have you already made the leap? If so, you won’t want to miss this episode! Most people who pursue a dramatic change in direction in their careers experience a momentary sense of panic. Questions

Harnessing Sacred Sexual Energy to Create Sacred Commerce & More
Specializing in Sacred Sexual Empowerment for 20 + years, David Bruce Leonard (Author of “How to Worship the Goddess and Keep Your Balls” and Founder of Earth Medicine Institute) and Sabrina Mata

Are your relationships fair and balanced? The question on the hot seat during Mars Retrograde…
We have entered into another potent time for self-reflection and regrouping with the onset of Mars Retrograde in Libra (March 1 – May 19, 2014)! The valuable wisdom my favorite Evolutionary Astrologer

How to Land a Job with the ULTIMATE Employer
The Ultimate Employer always has jobs available, will not turn you down, will guide you every step of the way, will not berate you when you make a mistake
Vision + Action = CHANGE! An Interview with Robert Kent
“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” – Joel Barker

Infusing the Sacred into an Unassuming Place…FOOTBALL!
Infusing the Sacred into an Unassuming Place…FOOTBALL

Laying the Foundation For Sacred Commerce
What exactly is Sacred Commerce? How will it benefit us and others to place our focus on bringing the Sacred into the realm of Business?
NEW SHOW! Join us for the Launch of Sacred Commerce with Amanda Dennis
We are incredibly honored to introduce the latest addition to the Station. Sacred Commerce hosted by the one and only Amanda Dennis will be broadcasting here every Thursday at 4pm Pacific!