The Love Molecule
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The Love Molecule: Science of Ascension
In this week’s show, Alana reviews the facets of Love in terms of the Universal laws of creation. This show is brief and contains an introduction to the beautiful piano stylings of Billy Kirchen.
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Do we need to heal ourselves one issue at a time, or can we sweep everything away with simple energy clearings? This is a controversial topic and Alana Kay explains the origin of her beliefs and experience throughout her 20 year career as an author, intuitive and healer.
The Love Molecule: Science of Ascension
Heaven on Earth is yours if you learn how to align with source energy. Today’s show is part two of how to align with this frequency. Alana explains self-healing methods to clear discordant energy.
The Love Molecule: Science of Ascension
Heaven on Earth is yours if you align with divine source energy. In this show, Alana teaches you how to align with thisenergy. When we don’t have the means to connect with a healer, we can check our alignment and heal our own disharmony. This is a first in a two part series. The Love Molecule: Science of Ascension
The Love Molecule: Science of Ascension
Going above and beyond the mundane existence of life requires us to develop a strong foundation and firm connection to our divinely sourced spiritual identity. Alana offers tools and thoughts to help you rise up to your personal best. Science of Ascension
The Love Molecule: Science of Ascension
Spiritual Energy is Power. We can attract a new life by doing our inner work and freeing ourselves from the moorings of yesterday’s baggage.
The Love Molecule: The Science of Ascension
In the Fifth Dimension, we are learning to attract in an entirely different way than we did in the Fourth. The Law of Attraction is a multi-dimensional discipline and knowing the Science of Ascension is essential to becoming a strong attractor field.
The Love Molecule: The Science of Ascension
Let the Universe do the heavy lifting!! When we do our inner work to align with our spirit, life becomes effortless and all we need to do is show up. Let source energy motivate your inner light to take correct action and be in the right place at the right time.
The Love Molecule
Alana discusses forgiveness as a facet of Love or creative energy and how it applies to the chakras.
Patience and how it plays a part in our co-creative energy – The Love Molecule
This week, Alana Kay discusses the subject of Patience and how it plays a part in our co-creative energy.