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The Spiritual View Panel, Part II
We join together to share our experiences of awakening with each other and you to help shine the light in any dark corners you may have.
The Spiritual View, Questions About Waking Up, Part 1
Listen to find out how others have embraced their Spiritual Awakening and share it out to spread the light to the world.
Induction with Victoria, Where are You Blocking Your Success
Victoria takes us on a journey of self discovery to find out what is at the bottom of what is stopping us from being successful
Where Spirit Leads
I speak with Shelly about her trip to Lillydale, her workshop and the roll intention plays in everything we do in life
Our Spiritual Journey; Working on Coming Full Circle
My conversation with Patricia is an earthy no nonsense talk about all the things people go through to get to their life path.
Humanity Healing Network and Humanity Healing International
Liane, Christopher and I talk about their Humanity Healing Network and Humanity Healing International, a non-profit corporation. They tell us how it got started and what it accomplishes

Learning to Connect with Angels and Finding Your Own Portal of Light
Where is your portal of light and how can you use it to receive guidance from your higher beings, your Angels?

New Operating System For Homo-Novus of The Brave New Mind: Living in a Future-Science World
We talk about some of the barriers to moving past our comfort zones, why it is good to communicate with those already gone and the idea of creating a Wisdom Council, grounded in harmony.

Dianne Collins is more than simply the latest motivational speaker. Her book is much more than a self-help book, Do You QuantumThink? asserts that the human race is at a critical juncture in its development and it is our collective responsibility to evolve our thought process or face the consequences.
Guide Group Fridays; Understanding that you are Equipped for Direct Communication With Spirit.
Within the pages of Guide Group Fridays, readers can expect to channeled messages about communicating with Spirit, our Higher Self, Source; raising vibrations & positive energy; personal power, evolution, transformation, clues to our journey on Earth; windows of opportunity for spiritual growth, and more. We talk about all of it.