Culture for Care
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Rev Gail Dobert; Director of The Silent Unity Prayer Ministry at Unity Village
Gail’s greatest joy in life is seeing the light shine in people’s eyes as they come to an understanding that they are precious, loved and have the power to create the life that they want.

Joyous Presences: Leading-edge Ecopreneur and Brilliant Visionary
This weeks show will expand your mind, open your heart and feed your soul. A tap, smack, boom, on the drum of great spirit, Joyous Presence, shared such a clear perspective for our future generations.

Looking at masculine and how to grow our power points for a new social order, back into balance between men and women; where care dictates the collective bottom line, beyond war, there is a field of love and respect, let us meet there.
Somatic Embodiment with Lorina Manzanita MA
What an absolute pleasure to be in a deep, playful, alive, engaging dialog with Lorina Manzanita . Culture for Care is proud to have such an alive and awake woman of sincere integrity, sharing her perspectives and wisdom with me this week.
Today’s show a gift for us all. Rev. Gail Dobert is a Unity Minister and Director of The Silent Unity Prayer Ministry at Unity Village, Missouri.
VALENTINES DAY SPECIAL – Sequel with Anusha Amen Ra on his book, Scorpio Book of Secrets; Love, Sex and Relationship
This week’s show is a Valentines Day special with Anusha Amen Ra. Last week we had the opportunity to hear how Anusha, came to be, a health care expert.

Culture for Care
Diving into the health care system with Anusha Amen-Ra. What a a pleasure to have him on Culture for Care for this weeks show. He is dedicated to the health and well being of others, and to his own evolution.
Culture for Care
Todays show, we take a look at the new law of the land, Obama Care. Shinning a light on the bureaucratic machine and where it came from.
Culture for Care
Show 16: Jenny Schlee Chia, a colleague on the path of healing. Todays show will feature a discussion with Jenny on her dissertation; how Economics causes Trauma states and is a hidden epidemic. Shining light on the this topic give’s the eyes the ability to SEE…
Brian Piergrossi on Culture for Care
First show of the new year, I am thrilled to have Brian Piergrossi as my guest. Our dialog winds through a wonderful terrain of consciousness, supporting our collective storyline for 2014. What a pleasure.