Trish Talks
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Raise Your Self Esteem with Teresa Holmes
Do you treat yourself like your own best friend? Most of us do not. Would you let anyone treat your child or your loved one the way you treat yourself? It is time to take responsibility for how you treat yourself! Step up and decide to be your own best friend, your own cheerleader and encourage yourself
How to Live To Be 100 with Ease and Grace! With Chef Jessica Leibovich
We have longevity through medicine, but wouldn’t you rather have longevity through health? With all the toxins in our environment sometimes it can be discouraging but there are things you can do.

You Can Use the Law of Attraction on Purpose with Mind Movies from Natalie Ledwell
Have you heard of the Law of Attraction? Did you know that you are ALWAYS using it whether you realize it or not? Why not use it on purpose? Join me as Natalie Ledwell shows us how to use the Law of Attraction to achieve our goals.

We All Have Our Stuff, Now We Can Do Something About It! With Dave Lesinski
We all have our stuff and in the old days people just had to deal with it the best they could, but no more! We now have a multitude of modalities available to help us make the changes we want in our lives.

There Are NO Experts, Never, Never, Never Give Up with Heather Stanley
Have you ever ignored the advice of an “Expert”? Have you ever followed the advice of an “Expert” only to realize you actually knew better but you just didn’t trust yourself

How to Get Yourself Organized Beautifully with Thalia Poulos
Are you organized? Are you disorganized? Well either way you can learn something from Professional Organizer Thalia Poulos. With over 20 years of experience in organizing, Thalia has identified 6 Organizing Personality Styles and what works for each of them.

The Power of YES with Charles Vest
Charles is currently the National Sales Manager-Trainer for Knees 2 Knees Consulting. Charles will be training and coaching a sales force to increase desired results and develop a skill that they can utilize in any sales situation, giving them confidence and ability to affect the lives of thousands.
How to Bring Out Your Inner Lion with Chad Nash
Do you feel deep down inside that you can do more? Did your teachers tell you, you had potential? Join me as I visit with Master NLP Practitioner, Chad Nash and we explore how to bring out your best, your strength, your potential, your Inner Lion.
Why Too Much Positive Thinking is a Negative Thing, with Sylvia Becker-Hill
Have you tried affirmations, positive thinking and the law of attraction only to end up frustrated? Well lets take a look at these and other famous self-help techniques from a brain’s perspective.

Behind the Scenes with Les Brown
Come behind the scenes with America’s number one Story Teller, Les Brown. He teaches us the importance of stories and how to tell them.